Unlike traditional seminaries, WU focuses on equipping ‘in-service’ leaders through a creative, revelatory style of teaching as well as through impartation and activation. WU students have the opportunity to engage in practical application and ministry. Our cohorts and hybrid study options allow you to work as you go, enabling you to earn a ministry degree from anywhere in the world in 30 months or less.
The D.Min in Apostolic Leadership and Applied Theology is a 30-month program designed to transform your apostolic leadership and applied theological understanding. This program will empower you in church polity and governance, social transformation and global mission. It will elevate your spiritual authority to the Kingdom level.
The primary objective of the D.Min in Apostolic Leadership and Applied Theology is to enhance students’ corporate apostolic leadership and applied theological understanding. Read More.
The M.A. in Apostolic Leadership and Applied Ministry program develops the leader within each student and prepares them for competent apostolic leadership in their sphere of cultural influence. The program strives to provide the student with a pragmatic biblical foundation for church governance through Christ’s 5-fold ascension gifts, as well as empower through specialized training in the ministerial engagement of prophetic ministry, healing, power evangelism, spiritual warfare, and a 7 Mountain Kingdom Mandate. Read More.
The M.A. in Spiritual Healing, Deliverance and Warfare is a practical, hands-on program where students will receive a thorough background, history, systematic theology and practices of effective healing ministries. They will also be given strategies for addressing ground, occult and strategic level spiritual warfare and complete a practicum with a portfolio.
Students will receive training and teaching from a wide range of instructors including Doris Wagner, Bill Sudduth, Chris Hayward, Ché Ahn and many more who offer insight from their own experience and many years of expertise in healing, deliverance and spiritual warfare. Read More.
The program is designed to enlarge the personal and professional capacities of its participants, leveraging their God-given strengths, enhancing their influence, and facilitating the development of lasting relationships with women from diverse backgrounds. During the program they will be part of a relational community that provides mentoring from like-minded, spiritually mature leaders and instruction from experts in the Marketplace, Ministry, Family, Government, and Education.
Graduates of the program will be ready for deployment anywhere in the world to advance revival, reformation and cultural transformation. Read More.
B.A. in Practical Ministry major is for those who desire to deepen their relationship with an all loving God, and gain a better understanding of their personal identity, gifts and calling. Courses are designed to empower students with a practical and applied understanding of God, scripture and ministry.
Upon completion of this program, students will have an increase in their effectiveness as servant leaders, reformers and revivalists in their arena of cultural influence, be it any combination of business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, or the family and religion. Read More.
It’s never too late to embrace the call to destiny. Be ignited in your passion and walk out purpose as you learn practical ministry and bring the power of the Kingdom outside the four walls of a classroom — to transform your world.
Founded in 1998 by Dr. C. Peter Wagner, WU reflects a new paradigm for unique training in practical ministry. Unlike traditional seminaries, we focus on equipping “in-service” leaders with a hybrid online and in-person style of teaching and learning, as well as impartation and activation. When you embark on the journey with us, you will have opportunities for hands-on, practical application and Spirit-led ministry.
Students are given practical tools to advance the Kingdom of God wherever they go and bring about revival, transformation and reformation.