Wagner Leadership Global

Wagner Leadership Global is a new approach to rapidly equip and release 5-Fold Leaders to serve the Body of Christ.  We focus on core theologies and Kingdom action that multiplies churches, makes disciples, and strengthens existing local churches. Wagner Leadership Global is a global program that is accessible anywhere in the world. 

Online & In-Person

Students can attend Wagner Leadership Global 100% online or local Churches can purchase subscriptions to the Wagner Leadership Global content and teach students in their unique local church ministry. For subscription information, call 626.563.8585 or email info@wagner.university 

5 Core Courses – 4 Weeks Long

  • Kingdom Theology 
  • The Jesus Lifestyle 
  • Exploring Your Spiritual Gifts 
  • The Ascension Gifts
  • The 7 Mountain Mandate


Each student will earn a Certificate in Practical Ministry & 5-Fold Leadership issued by Wagner University. Some students may be eligible to apply to Wagner University’s Masters programs based on prior education or ministry experience. All Wagner Leadership Global Certificate earners will be eligible for the Wagner University BA degree program.  


Wagner Global Leadership is a cost effective certificate program that is priced at $500.00 total ($100.00 per course). For more questions regarding payment of tuition, please email or call us! 

Apply Today!

Who We Are

Vision and Future

It’s never too late to embrace the call to destiny. Be ignited in your passion and walk out purpose as you learn practical ministry and bring the power of the Kingdom outside the four walls of a classroom — to transform your world.

Founded in 1998 by Dr. C. Peter Wagner, WU reflects a new paradigm for unique training in practical ministry. Unlike traditional seminaries, we focus on equipping “in-service” leaders with a hybrid online and in-person style of teaching and learning, as well as impartation and activation. When you embark on the journey with us, you will have opportunities for hands-on, practical application and Spirit-led ministry.

Students are given practical tools to advance the Kingdom of God wherever they go and bring about revival, transformation and reformation.
